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$ 32.70
$ 30.90
8-Hour Delivery
1,000+ Sold
Packing Spec1pack
Country of Origin Korea
Description Heavy Duty Absorbent Scrub Sponge: 10 times cleaning efficiency* with a combination of ultra strong cleaning particles and tough synthetic fiber

Delicate Duty Non-scratch All-in-One Scrub Sponge: Acrylic surface absorbs grease 2.5 times of normal scour pad and can be rinsed easily. Delicate duty scour pad cleans gently and does not scratch
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  • * The product can be delivered in next day by HKTVmall if the order is placed before 10p.m. 
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  • This product is non-returnable
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Scotch-Brite™ Heavy Duty Absorbent Scrub Sponge 425HK

•100% Natural Cellulose Sponge is high absorbent to maximize foaming

•Use on woks, pots, stoves and range hoods

•Highly effective in cleaning burnt and concrete stains

•Made in Korea

•10X Cleaning Power* ( Tested in 3M laboratory)

Scotch-Brite™ Delicate Duty Non-scratch All-in-One Scrub Sponge A331

•Acrylic surface absorbs grease 2.5 times of normal scour pad and can be rinsed easily

•Anti-bacterial sponge contains natural soybean oil

•Delicate duty scour pad cleans gently and does not scratch

•Made in Korea

•Use on non-stick appliances, china and glassware

•Cleans without detergent (To clean excessive grease, use a little detergent)

•The product features 3M's anti-bacterial technology and is certified by Korea FITI Testing & Research Institute
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About 3M

At 3M, we apply science in collaborative ways daily to improve lives and create workplaces that suit your needs. With corporate operations in over 70 countries, we have more than 90,000 employees and make over USD 30 billion in total sales annually. 3M leverages its 51 technology platforms to create differentiated solutions for customers through 4 business groups: Consumer, Health Care, Safety & Industrial, and Transportation & Electronics.


This official online shop of 3M Hong Kong gives you the enjoyable convenience of online shopping. Our innovative products and solutions for household, office, healthcare and oral health, personal safety and security, and commercial use will improve your daily lives.


Core brands and products:

·3M™ brands

·Post-it® Notes, Flags and Tabs

·Scotch-Brite™ Household Cleaning Products

·Scotch® Tapes and Adhesives

·Nexcare™ Personal Care Products

·Filtrete™ Home Filtration Products

·Command™ Hooks and Adhesives

·Futuro™ Joint Supports

·Scotchgard™ Protectors



For more about 3M creative solutions, please go to www.3M.com.hk or follow @3M Hong Kong on Facebook.

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• Our products will be delivered by HKTVmall. Please refer to Shipping Information for more details.

• Actual delivery time depends on the products ordered and the shipping time of the particular merchants.

• Shipping time of this store: Monday to Friday, not including Public Holiday, 3pm

• All products are non-returnable.

• In the event of dispute, HKTVmall's decision shall be final and conclusive.