Special Price
$ 308.00
$ 183.00
2-Day Delivery
1,000+ Sold
Packing Spec官方原廠保養 全新
Country of Origin China
Description 晶鑽小蒙恬 (Win) 手寫真精采 流行帶著走輕巧、質感造型 讓隨身手寫成為新潮流
Delivery / Return
  • The product will be delivered by HKTVmall 
  • Sold by Access
  • This product is non-returnable
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簡易便捷、超級好上手聰明辨識核心,寫什麼辨什麼 無論您寫繁體中文、簡體中文、英文、數字符號、日文,就算混著寫,也能輕鬆辨識。 貼心的人工智慧,越寫越聰明! 擔心筆跡特異,無法辨識嗎?!蒙恬筆提供您超貼心的人工智慧,只要您輸入一次,就能學習您的筆跡,打造專屬的手寫輸入辨識系統。 筆鼠合一,切換模式超快速 手寫板下方共三個按鍵,左右兩鍵分別等於滑鼠的左右鍵;中央為筆鼠模態的切換鍵,小小設計帶來大大方便! 完整豐富的手寫相關功能,操作更人性化 一目暸然的操作介面,不但好上手,還附有「符號選單」、「候選字」、「相關字」、「聯想詞」功能,您寫一個字就自動提供相關的所有資訊,操作更快、更easy。 完整翻譯系統讓您隨時都能進行翻譯無論您正在瀏覽網頁或是在編輯文件,小蒙恬所提供的線上翻譯系統都能幫您進行最快速、最直覺化的翻譯。 系統需求 Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 系統:1GB以上硬碟空間64位元系統:2GB以上硬碟空間Pentium以上個人電腦64MB以上記憶體150MB以上磁碟空間USB介面 硬體配件 外型尺寸:11 x 9 x 2.2 cm書寫區域:5.6 x 4.3cm重量:110g面板感應:電阻式觸控產品內附:小蒙恬手寫板、手寫筆、軟體光碟、使用說明手冊、保證卡、防偽辨識卡
This is authorized goods.

Warranty Period : 1 Years
Warranty Provided By : Penpower

Service Centre Details :

Address : Unit 3, 23/F., Cable TV Tower, 9 Hoi Shing Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong
Email : sales@penpower.net
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For all products are related to proper recycling of regulated electrical equipment.
A product set out in this receipt is regulated electrical equipment under the Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance (Cap. 603). The Ordinance imposes a recycling levy on an item of regulated electrical equipment for the class of such equipment to which the product belongs as follows:


Air conditioner: $125 per item
Refrigerator: $165 per item
Washing machine: $125 per item
Dehumidifier: $125 per item
Tumble Dryer: $125 per item
Television: $165 per item
Computer: $15 per item
Printer: $15 per item
Scanner: $15 per item
Monitor: $45 per item

Please fill in the Google form after complete order. Each product is only needed to fill in once. If customer need to choose upgraded removal service provided by the seller, please contact seller about the detail (include extra cost).

Removal Service Terms and Conditions

About Access

Our store provides a range of high-quality electronic products and services. We primarily offer genuine Hong Kong computers and peripherals, and boast a rich selection of items from professional audio equipment to the latest gaming accessories, from office essentials to stylish portable electronics. Our products are not only of superior quality but also reasonably priced, aimed at meeting the diverse needs of students, professionals, and gamer alike. Our goal is to ensure that every customer can find the products they need with us, enjoying the convenience and fun that technology brings.

T & C

•Our store will protect your personal information in accordance to the relevant provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act and in accords to HKTVmall Privacy Policies.
•In case of any dispute, the merchant will retain the right of final decision without prior notice.
•Colour shown may be slightly different than actual products.
•In situation where there are limitations, price, promotion offers and other marketing campaigns on the HKTVmall may varies from retail stores, the terms and offers are only applicable to HKTVmall.
•HKTVmall is not the seller or supplier of the products or services. HKTVmall is responsible for managing and administering its website, arranging order processing and fulfillment for the products or services you ordered from the suppliers through its website. Whatever item you purchase via HKTVmall will be subject to the terms and conditions of that merchant. The merchant is responsible for the sale and for dealing with any claims or any other issues arising out of or in connection with the contract between you and the merchant. In respect of purchases of a voucher, in addition to the contract you will have with the seller of the voucher, there will also be a contract between you and the merchant that actually provides the products and services when you redeem your voucher with that merchant. We, HKTVmall, do not accept responsibility for any claim, loss or damage, howsoever caused (including through omission or negligence), which you may directly or indirectly suffer in connection with the purchase of any products, services or vouchers through HKTVmall, nor do we accept any responsibility for any such claim, loss or damage arising out of your use of or reliance on information contained on or accessed through HKTVmall. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information obtained from HKTVmall meet your specific requirements.

Delivery / Return


Vertex store Office Hour:

Monday to Friday 10:30am to 8:30pm
•Non return and refund once product opened


•For any damage of product within 7 purchasing day, product will be exchange with properly packaged, official receipt.


• Actual delivery time depends on the products ordered and the shipping time of the particular merchants.
• Shipping time of this store: Monday to Friday excluding Public Holiday 9am and 3pm.
• In the event of dispute HKTVmall's decision shall be final and conclusive.



The following conditions cannot be returned:

• Defect, damage and defilement (including human damage or improper use/handling) caused by the customer;

• Notice of return after 7 days after receipt of the goods;

• Products that have been opened or used;

• if the shipping carton is damaged but the product and packaging are intact; and

• Packaging box and packaging materials (because the box is only used for protection of products).

• All gifts will not be exchanged for cash or exchanged with other gifts and no refund will be given.