Special Price
$ 10.00
$ 5.00
8-Hour Delivery
1,000+ Sold
Country of Origin Japan

- Can remove oral bacteria and prevent bad breath.
- It contains xylitol, which helps promote dental health.
- Convenient for travel or carrying with you, use one packet each time.
- Manufactured by a factory in Fukuoka with 40 years of experience and cosmetics GMP certification.
- Selected by hundreds of high-end hotels in Japan.

Delivery / Return
  • * The product can be delivered in next day by HKTVmall if the order is placed before 10p.m. 
  • Sold by CB Japanese Store
  • This product is non-returnable
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- Can remove oral bacteria and prevent bad breath.
- It contains xylitol, which helps promote dental health.
- Convenient for travel or carrying with you, use one packet each time.
- Manufactured by a factory in Fukuoka with 40 years of experience and cosmetics GMP certification.
- Selected by hundreds of high-end hotels in Japan.

Place one packet in your mouth, rinse for approximately 20 to 30 seconds, then spit it out.

Water, ethanol, glycerin, xylitol, sodium lactate, menthol, etc.

- Please keep items out of the reach of young children
- Keep out of eyes, ears, nose
- If you have skin allergies after use, please stop using it and consult a dermatologist
- Do not use on wounds or skin abnormalities

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CB Japanese Store

About CB Japanese Store

CB is a company established in Hong Kong engaged in the distribution of variety High Quality Japanese household products. Over the years, Our Vision is to provide “Quality First and Customer-oriented” household products to meet customer’s perceived value. Our household products are distributed to various Department Stores, Supermarket and other Retails Shops all over Hong Kong.

Our Company Mission is to continue in searching and introducing all different types of Medium and High-end household products in helping our customers to solve the minority of household problem. At the same time, we are to ensure all products distributed are not harmful to human life / cause damages to housewares so as to enhance the highest standard of quality living to our customers.

T & C

• Our store will protect your personal information in accordance to the relevant provisions of the personal Data Protection Act and in accords to HKTVmall Privacy Policies.
• In case of any dispute, the merchant will retain the right of final decision without prior notice.
• Colour shown may be slightly different from actual products.
• In situation where there are limitations, price, promotion offers and other marketing campaigns on the HKTVmall may varies from retail stores, the terms and offers are only applicable to HKTVmall.

Delivery / Return

• Our products will be delivered by HKTVmall. Please refer to Shipping Information for more details.
• Actual delivery time depends on the products ordered and the shipping time of the particular merchants.
• Shipping time of this store: Monday to Sunday, at 9am and 3pm.
• All products are non-returnable.
• In the event of dispute, HKTVmall's decision shall be final and conclusive.
• However, if you received a product that is damaged or defective, please contact HKTVmall Customer Service within 7 days.