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- AC750 High-Speed: Max. speed up to 300Mbps (2.4GHz) and 433Mbps (5GHz) with 802.11ac Wi-Fi standard
- 5 Modes in 1: Router, Access Point, Wi-Fi Range Extender, Wi-Fi Bridge and WISP
- Backward Compatible: Compatible with 802.11a/b/g/n standards
- Concurrent Dual-Band: Wireless connectivity for 2.4GHz and 5GHz

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BR-6208AC V2
- AC750 High-Speed: Max. speed up to 300Mbps (2.4GHz) and 433Mbps (5GHz) with 802.11ac Wi-Fi standard
- 5 Modes in 1: Router, Access Point, Wi-Fi Range Extender, Wi-Fi Bridge and WISP
- Backward Compatible: Compatible with 802.11a/b/g/n standards
- Concurrent Dual-Band: Wireless connectivity for 2.4GHz and 5GHz
- VPN (Virtual Private Network): Access secure, remote networks from anywhere and protect privacy on public Wi-Fi and bypass Internet censorship
- Multiple SSIDs & VLAN: Supports up to 8 SSIDs (2.4GHz x 4 & 5GHz x 4) and provides security and protecting confidential or critical network resources (*Access point mode only)
- Guest Network: Provides secure & private connectivity while isolating guests from your primary network (*Router mode only)
- Smart iQ Setup: Smart, automatic and quick web-based installation with no CD required from any smartphone, iPad, tablet, or PC
- iQoS Bandwidth Management: Efficient and effective internet bandwidth management

The extraordinary growth in the number of wireless devices found in modern homes has seen a huge increase in demand for wireless speed, range and bandwidth. This continuing trend away from wired connections to wireless communication and the ever-increasing throughput demands of new Wi-Fi devices and applications—including Internet TVs, computers, tablets and smartphones—drives the requirements in today’s homes for high-performance, reliable Wi-Fi to unprecedented levels. To meet the connectivity needs of homes and businesses alike, Edimax has launched the BR-6208AC V2 dual-band 802.11ac router with elegant and compact design: featuring the latest 11ac standard for extraordinary improvements in the speed, reliability and quality of wireless communications.

​Next-Generation Wireless Networking
The Edimax BR-6208AC V2 router supports the next generation IEEE 802.11ac wireless standard, meaning higher data rates in the 5GHz band. With 300Mbps speeds in the 2.4GHz band and 433Mbps speeds in 5GHz, the BR-6208AC V2 is ideal for HD video streaming and large file transfers. The router is also backward compatible with 802.11a/b/g/n to ensure compatibility with legacy Wi-Fi devices.
Edimax BR-6208AC V2 AC750 Dual-Band Wi-Fi Router with VPN, Access Point, Range Extender, Wi-Fi Bridge & WISP

Concurrent Dual-Band Wi-Fi Connectivity

The Edimax BR-6208AC V2 router provides simultaneous 2.4GHz (802.11n) and 5GHz (802.11ac) wireless network connectivity for maximum flexibility of use.
Edimax BR-6208AC V2 AC750 Dual-Band Wi-Fi Router with VPN, Access Point, Range Extender, Wi-Fi Bridge & WISP

VPN Access for Privacy & Security

Built-in Virtual Private Network (VPN) support for easy VPN access on all your devices. VPNs enable you to access secure, remote networks from anywhere and can offer privacy and security online. Log in to your work/school network remotely or avoid geoblocking, protect privacy on public Wi-Fi and bypass Internet censorship.

Home Users: Avoid regional restrictions and access geoblocked content such as Netflix or iPlayer from anywhere. Ensure your privacy and anonymity online and defeat censorship and other location-based content restrictions. You can also remotely access your home network when you’re away, and use your encrypted VPN for security when out and about using potentially unsafe public Wi-Fi hotspots.

Small Office Users: Enable your employees to access company resources remotely such as email, documents saved on the company server and any programs/systems when they are outside the office.

Edimax BR-6208AC V2 AC750 Dual-Band Wi-Fi Router with VPN, Access Point, Range Extender, Wi-Fi Bridge & WISP, Home VPN

Edimax BR-6208AC V2 AC750 Dual-Band Wi-Fi Router with VPN, Access Point, Range Extender, Wi-Fi Bridge & WISP, SOHO Small Office VPN

5-in-1 Router, Access Point, Range Extender, Wireless Bridge and WISP

The BR-6208AC V2 can work as router, access point, range extender, wireless bridge or WISP. Just configure the mode you need for your network environment using the smart iQ Setup wizard.

Edimax BR-6208AC V2 AC750 Dual-Band Wi-Fi Router with VPN, Access Point, Range Extender, Wi-Fi Bridge & WISP, 5-in-1 mode

Switch mode using the smart iQ setup wizard
on any device with a web browser, no CD required.
*Mobile device setup requires iOS 4.0 or Android 4.0 and above.
Smart iQ Setup
Features iQ Setup for smart, automatic and quick installation with no CD required.
Edimax BR-6208AC V2 AC750 Dual-Band Wi-Fi Router with VPN, Access Point, Range Extender, Wi-Fi Bridge & WISP, smart iQ setup

Edimax’s Revolutionary iQoS

iQoS is Edimax’s solution for a quicker, easier, and more effective way to manage Internet bandwidth. While Quality of Service (QoS) functionality is a common feature in routers across the market, typically only advanced users have the knowledge required to set up the complex parameters. Edimax though has redesigned QoS

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