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Packing Spec | 香港正版行貨 |
Country of Origin | China |
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*5 full Gigabit Ports, wired output up to 1000Mbps |
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SG105 / Switch / 5-Port Gigabit Desktop Switch
SG105 is a 5-Port Gigabit Desktop SOHO switch. It provides 5 10/100/1000Mbps auto-negotiation ports, which you can use to establish a LAN network, or extend the uplink network. Compared with a 100M switch, it enhances transmission speed up to 10 times,and eliminate the bottleneck of cascading bandwidth. It supports desktop installation and wall-mounting. Without configuration, it can be played once plugged. With the stable connectivity and easy-to-use features, it is perfectly fit for the network of school dormitories, small offices, home offices and surveillance.
What it does
SG105 is a 5-Port Gigabit Desktop SOHO switch. It provides 5 10/100/1000Mbps auto-negotiation ports, which you can use to establish a LAN network, or extend the uplink network. Compared with a 100M switch, it enhances transmission speed up to 10 times,and eliminate the bottleneck of cascading bandwidth. It supports desktop installation and wall-mounting. Without configuration, it can be played once plugged.
With the stable connectivity and easy-to-use features, it is perfectly fit for the network of school dormitories, small offices, home offices and surveillance.
Main Features
• 5* 10/100/1000Mbps auto-negotiation ports
• Auto MDI/MDIX simplifies networking and maintenance
• Full wire speed forwarding ensures a smooth network experience
• Flow control for full duplex and backpressure for half duplex avoids frame dropping as port blocked
• Adopts store-and-forward mechanism and provides 2K MAC address table
• 15K Jumbo frame improves the forwarding speed of large data
• Adopts green and environmental ABS material, improving heat resistance and heat dissipation
• Allows IP camera accessing and provides a running and clear image
• Desktop and wall mounting simplify installation
Gigabit speed, video transmission in seconds
Gigabit speed: In full duplex mode, the transmission speed can be 2000Mbps, 10x speed of fast Ethernet ,and data packets are forwarded at full wire speed.
Stay online for 7*24 hours and no packet loss
With store and forwarding mode, MAC address auto learning and auto aging , SG105 can transfer data without loss to ensure stable and blazing fast Wired network performance.
Stylish and exquisite design
SG105 is nice and small and won't take up much desk or floor space. With desktop or wall-mounting design, you can put SG105 anywhere you want and move flexibly. It comes in a pretty dome-shaped pattern Plastic case. It will fit equally well in any desktop decor. Not only for Wired network use, but also for a homet.
Plug and play, no configuration to configuration
Wired network is available after plug Ethernet cable in no time effortlessly. Whether you are a tech-savvy enthusiast or a first-time user, SG105 is super easy and intuitive to setup without time-consuming operations. It is easy for us to setup the Internet in order to make you enjoy it with SG105
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