我們的燉湯使用傳統藥善秘方以長時間烹調一系列原味燉湯,大部份用上名貴藥材及精挑細選之新鮮材料以先進的真空無菌技術精心燉製,絕對不含防腐劑及任何添加味精,每款燉湯都附有原味湯料絕對真材實料,所有湯包都能保留傳統藥善燉湯的原有味道及功效,而且儲存方便,任何時間加熱即可享用,省時方便, 同時兼顧美味與保健。
Country of Origin | Hong Kong |
Description |
Helps: relieve phlegm, relieve phlegm in the middle and wide, relieve asthma, relieve sore throat, long-term cough, and relieve depression. It can reduce chest depression caused by negative emotions. Special reminder: this product has no curative effect, only As a health product, the above effects are all ingredients Made in Hong Kong • Natural ingredients • No preservatives
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About Healthy Green
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