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$ 398.00
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Packing Spec飛利浦指定零售商 行貨2年保養
Country of Origin China

Philips 飛利浦 Hue 智慧照明 橋接器 全屋智慧控制

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  • The product will be delivered by HKTVmall 
  • Sold by Lida Store
  • This product is non-returnable
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  • 01.
容易控制 • Philips Hue 系統的核心 • 最多可連接 50 個 Philips Hue 系列燈具 • Hue 配件帶來更多可能 • 身處何地也可智能控制家中燈具 • 以聲音控制燈光 • ZigBee 技術 • 保用 : 2 年
This is authorized goods.

Warranty Period : 24 Months
Warranty Provided By : 昕諾飛香港有限公司

Service Centre Details :

Address : Support.PhilipsLightingHongkong@signify.com
Email : Support.PhilipsLightingHongkong@signify.com
Contact : 23530777
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About Lida Store

We are a group who like the trend and technology people. Our philosophy is to entertain and entertain ourselves technology and life closely together. So we will continue in the world to collect all kinds of fun and interesting trends and technology products In order to customers can be the first time the latest trend of products and information we will continue to update the Internet platform, we hope that the first time to buy their favorite products.

T & C

• Our store will protect your personal information in accordance to the relevant provisions of the personal Data Protection Act and in accords to HKTVmall Privacy Policies.

• In case of any dispute, the merchant will retain the right of final decision without prior notice.

• Colour shown may be slightly different from actual products.

• In situation where there are limitations, price, promotion offers and other marketing campaigns on the HKTVmall may varies from retail stores, the terms and offers are only applicable to HKTVmall.

Delivery / Return

Standard Delivery
1. The goods in this shop are delivered by HKTVmall. Please refer to the delivery service for details
2. The actual delivery time will be calculated based on the goods selected in your order and the shipping time of the relevant merchant

Merchant Delivery
1. The goods in this shop are delivered directly by Maxell, and the goods will be shipped within 2-5 working days after purchase (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays)
2. The goods purchased in our store cannot be combined with the goods delivered by other HKTVmall merchants to calculate the freight

1. There is no return and refund
2. All pictures and materials are for reference only. Product pictures and descriptions may be different from the actual products. The appearance and details of products are subject to the actual products and agents. Information is subject to change without notice
3. This shop sells original licensed goods and parallels imported goods. The company will provide maintenance for designated original licensed goods. Parallel imported goods will not be provided with any maintenance, return or refund. Please pay attention to the product description.
4. If there is a problem with the licensed product, the customer must come to the maintenance company for repairs (except for man-made) with the product/document/warranty sticker/maintenance certificate. Customers must ensure that the product does not have any artificial damage, flower damage, or traces of water and must retain the complete packaging, accessories, instructions, and gifts.
5. All licensed products and accessories are not subject to replacement or refund. Guests need to go to their service center in person
6. In case of any disputes, Maxell reserves the right to make of final decision without prior notice