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$ 139.00
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Country of Origin China

轉為非聯動插座,只要把切換開關設置"ON" 即可成為一般6位獨立插座
環保:聯動操作時,PC outlet插座主控電器,控制聯動影音/電器開關,
節能省電 德國一級純銅片0.7mm厚,
防止升溫及抑噪音 安心:防雷及防止停電後瞬間大電流(突波)
對電器的損害 安全:二重安全保護 (UM-E耐高溫塑料)

Delivery / Return
  • The product will be delivered by HKTVmall 
  • Sold by Novel Basics
  • This product is non-returnable
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環保:聯動操作時,PC outlet插座主控電器,控制聯動影音/電器開關,節能省電

內置自動感應而 (開/關) 聯動插座的電源
另可將聯動插座(LINK Outlet) 轉為 非聯動插座 (Non-LINK),只要把切換開關設置"ON"即可成為一般6位獨立插座
安心:防雷及防止停電後瞬間大電流(突波) 對電器的損害
安全:二重安全保護 (UM-E耐高溫塑料)

(**注:所有電腦合用,但部份電腦 (如筆記型) 的操作和休眠狀態的電流相差不大於"100mA"時,電路板未必能分辨而正常運作)

This is authorized goods.

Warranty Period : 12 Months
Warranty Provided By : Novel Basics Limited

Service Centre Details :

Address : Unit A, 20/F, Yip Shing lndustrial Centre, NO.19, Yip Shing Street, Kwai Chung, N.T.
Email : info@novelbasics.com
Contact : 客戶服務中心
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Novel Basics


The products in this shop are sold by Novel Basics. The products are delivered directly by HKTV MALL. For delivery arrangements, please contact HKTV MALL Customer Service.


Repairing Centre: 


20th Floor, Yip Shing Industrial Centre, 19 Yip Shing Street, Kwai Chung


Business hours:


Monday to Friday: 09:00-13:00 / 14:00-18:00

Saturday: 09:00-13:00 / 14:00-16:00

Sundays and public holidays: Closed


For all products are related to proper recycling of regulated electrical equipment. A product set out in this receipt is regulated electrical equipment under the Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance (Cap. 603). The Ordinance imposes a recycling levy on an item of regulated electrical equipment for the class of such equipment to which the product belongs as follows:


Air conditioner: $125 per item
Refrigerator: $165 per item
Washing machine: $125 per item
Dehumidifier: $125 per item
Tumble dryer: $125 per item
Television: $165 per item
Computer: $15 per item
Printer: $15 per item
Scanner: $15 per item 
Monitor: $45 per item



Removal Service Terms and Conditions  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FW5PQuvk0P0P_KpNPCI9iXy0LKFmEvaX/view?usp=drive_link

About Novel Basics

We established in 2009.   With real experience in Manufacturing operation, sourcing and Quality Control, we developed export market in European, South America and Asian.

Meanwhile, we also distribute a Taiwanese brand – LoyoLa in local market.   Due to quick market expansion, we started to develop own brands such as Novel, Novelti  and deer for different market needs.

To cope with Consumer demand, we introduced some international brands such as ELPA and YAMATO from Japan,  L'EQUIP from Korea and NOSTALGIA from U.S.A.

We believe Quality is a key for long-term success.  We earned confidence from our Channel Partners.  We are honorable appointed as Repair Service Centre of small home appliances from some giant Chain Stores in Hong Kong.

T & C

HKTV mall is not the seller or supplier of the products or services. HKTV mall is responsible for managing and administering its website, arranging order processing and fulfillment for the products or services you ordered from the suppliers through its website. Whatever item you purchase via HKTV mall will be subject to the terms and conditions of that merchant. The merchant is responsible for the sale and for dealing with any claims or any other issues arising out of or in connection with the contract between you and the merchant. In respect of purchases of a voucher, in addition to the contract you will have with the seller of the voucher, there will also be a contract between you and the merchant that actually provides the products and services when you redeem your voucher with that merchant. We, HKTV mall, do not accept responsibility for any claim, loss or damage, howsoever caused (including through omission or negligence), which you may directly or indirectly suffer in connection with the purchase of any products, services or vouchers through HKTV mall, nor do we accept any responsibility for any such claim, loss or damage arising out of your use of or reliance on information contained on or accessed through HKTV mall. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information obtained from HKTV mall meet your specific requirements. Particularly for beauty services, you must take your own precautions to ensure that you understand how the services will be performed before you decide to purchase. If in doubt, you should consult your own professional advisor.

Delivery / Return

Our products will be delivered by HKTVmall please refer to Shipping Information for more details.Actual delivery time depends on the products ordered and the shipping time of the particular merchants.Shipping time of this store: Monday to Friday excluding Public Holiday 9am.All products are non-returnable.In the event of dispute HKTVmall's decision shall be final and conclusive.