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$ 63.00
$ 58.00
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Country of Origin France
Description BIOSPOTIX Cat collar 35 cm
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Based on Geraniol essential oils, BIOSPOTIX® active ingredients dehydrate the Chitin* and block the insect’s respiratory system. Parasites are then repelled by smothering and dehydration. The gaseous phase of GERANIOL does also help to dehydrate eggs and larvae giving BIOSPOTIX® excellent ovicidal and larvicidal properties.
*The chitin is the main component of the cell walls, the exoskeletons of insects and arthropods.

Active ingredients of BIOSPOTIX® collar are spread all over your dog or cat's coat via the sebum. Therefore, a collar worn around the neck protects all your pet body and prevents against fleas and ticks infestations.

Place the collar over the neck, leave a space of 2 fingers and cut extra length.
Tips: place the remaining collar length in your pet basket or in the
vacuum cleaner bags.

Up to 4 months protection. Immediate action. Water resistant.

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