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$ 114.00
$ 104.00
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Country of Origin France
Description BIOSPOTIX Dog Spot on 5x1ml
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Based on Geraniol essential oils, BIOSPOTIX® active ingredients dehydrate the Chitin* and block the insect’s respiratory system. Parasites are then repelled by smothering and dehydration. The gaseous phase of GERANIOL does also help to dehydrate eggs and larvae giving BIOSPOTIX® excellent ovicidal and larvicidal properties.
*The chitin is the main component of the cell walls, the exoskeletons of insects and arthropods.

Protect your dog and cat with BIOSPOTIX® Pipettes:
-Immediate action
-4 weeks protection from external parasites (fleas, ticks, lice…)

Apply directly on the skin from the neck to the tail. Renew every
month or after bathing your pet. The active ingredient is spread
systematically over the coat via the sebum. Brush after the
application to help spread the product quickly.

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