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Natural Scents
$ 600.00
Next Day Delivery
Country of Origin Thailand

If you are looking for natural scents without light, try our natural scented diffusers developed from our most favorable candles. Fresh scents together with simple chic design it is perfect to be put in anywhere at your home and workplace.

Relax Levander Diffuser 80ml x1pc

Calm Levander Diffuser 80ml x1pc

Rose Garden Levander Diffuser 80ml x1pc

Fresh Levander Diffuser 80ml x1pc

Reed x20pcs

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If you are looking for natural scents without light, try our natural scented diffusers developed from our most favorable candles. Fresh scents together with simple chic design it is perfect to be put in anywhere at your home and workplace.

Relax Levander Diffuser 80ml 

Hey, let’s take a deep deep breathe and leave every worries behind by enjoying the moment with Pink Magnolia, the nature nourishment will massage your soul and help for your relaxation from head to toe.

Key notes: Pink Magnolia oil

Calm Levander Diffuser 80ml

It’s okay to be in a stressful situation sometimes, as long as we are aware of it. Now, let’s take a very deep breath and calm ourselves down, let the smell of fresh lavender melt into your soul, set your soul at peace.

Key notes: Lavender essential oil

Rose Garden Levander Diffuser 80ml

Let’s surrounded by the romantic incense and maybe a slow dance in the apartment with the aroma of tuberose, the romantic night just turned into a romantic morning and it lasts with the smell of the Rose Garden Diffuser.

Key notes: Tuberose essential oil

Fresh Levander Diffuser 80ml

The refreshing smell just put you at a better place where your soul is smoothing and healing from the gift of mother nature. Yes, embrace the real fresh we bring along from nature, and let’s start something fresh together and create something amazing in the future!

Key notes: Linen essential oil


Relax Levander Diffuser 80ml x1pc

Calm Levander Diffuser 80ml x1pc

Rose Garden Levander Diffuser 80ml x1pc

Fresh Levander Diffuser 80ml x1pc

Reed x20pcs

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Please note that purchase made on the weekend delivery will be defer to the next week.

About Sesamecave

SesameCave is defined as a full-of-surprise treasure hunt platform for people to shop and find unique and eco-friendly goods. Our products are well selected from different valuable brands worldwide.  From home living, learning stage to creating your art piece, we thrive to provide the most natural and sustainable products from around the world to improve your lifestyle in an easy and affordable way and yet, protect your health, save our planet.

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• Our products will be delivered by HKTVmall, please refer to Shipping Information for more details.
• Actual delivery time depends on the products ordered and the shipping time of the particular merchants.
• Shipping time of this store: Monday to Sunday, 9am and 3pm
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