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$ 49.00
$ 28.00
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Country of Origin Japan

[Anti-epidemic item]Strong Mildew Removal Sterilization Spray 400ml

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  • * The product can be delivered in next day by HKTVmall if the order is placed before 10p.m. 
  • Sold by wawahuen
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Brand: Japan Mitsuei

Product: Japan Mitsuei Strong Mildew Removal Spray 400ml

Country of Origin: Japan


Expiry Date: 3 Years


-Remove mold

-Soft smell

- Decontamination is effortless

-Specially targeted solutions to hygiene issues such as bathtubs, tiles, walls, toilet surfaces, etc.

- Gentle and easy to wear surface, effectively remove dirt

How to use

From a dirty place about 10cm evenly spray, after standing for 10 minutes with a brush wash


Don't mix other products

If you have to get in your eyes, flush with plenty of water for 15 minutes. After washing, seek medical attention immediately.

If exposed to clothing, it will decolorize

Flush with plenty of water for 15 minutes. Seek medical attention immediately after washing.

If exposed to clothing, it will decolorize

(Parallel Import)

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Delivery / Return

• Our products will be delivered by HKTVmall, please refer to Shipping Information for more
• Actual delivery time depends on the products ordered and the shipping time of the particular
• Shipping time of this store: Monday to Saturday Except Sunday .
• Non-refundable and non-exchangeable goods will be indicated under product’s description.
• Any opened, used or products damaged by customer are neither refundable.
• Only the following conditions can be returned:
1) It is necessary to prove that the goods were damaged due to the negligence of the company
2) It is necessary to prove the delay caused by the negligence of the company
• The merchant reserves the right to amend the stated terms herein without prior notice. In
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