此商品由 HKTVmall 派送
可折疊成細小的,方便帶出旅行或日常外出使用關於 生活大市集
In a captivating and eloquent style, Living Store is an unique online store where you could search for a diversified collection of living necessities from personal care, baby, mother to pet products .
The philosophy of the Living Store is to provide an integrated one-stop-shop convenient online platform for our shoppers to look for their necessities 24/7 at their fingertips.
Unlike the usual physical retail stores, all the products in Living Store are showcased with colourful and comprehensive product photos, videos and details to bring visual pleasure and a definite but quick glance of the products to offer you a blissful shopping experience.
From over two thousand product variants, you could find practical, useful and high-quality products to satisfy your daily living.
We believe that with Living Store, we will be able to pursue and achieve a more beautiful life together.
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• 商品顏色或會與實物略有不同﹐一切以實物為準。
• 因實際情況所限﹐HKTVmall 與門市銷售價格、促銷活動、條件與限制有機會各為不同﹐一切條款只適用於HKTVmall。