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Important Notes
Please refer to the following information if you are purchasing products related to the 4Es and 1B.
The product listed in this receipt is a regulated electrical appliance under the Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance (Cap. 603). The Ordinance imposes the following recycling levies on the products:

Air conditioners: $125 per unit
Refrigerators: $165 per unit
Washing machines: $125 each
Television sets: $165 per unit
Computer: $15 per unit
Printer: $15 each
Scanner: $15 each
Monitor: $45 each
Dehumidifier: $125 each
Dryer: $125 per unit






∙ 由 本公司出貨之商品包免費送貨至港九新界, 不包安裝 (另外, 樓梯費每層$80, 東涌及馬灣加$40; 愉景灣加$250), 其它地區及村屋請向商戶查詢另行報價。

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