Special Price
$ 435.00
$ 413.00
Next Day Delivery
已售出 500+
10% Everuts E-Coins 回贈: $41.30
Packing Spec每筒包含 10 粒
Country of Origin 瑞士

- 原產地: 瑞士

- 每筒包含 10 粒頂級研磨咖啡粉囊

- 產品成分: 烘焙研磨咖啡

- 所有粉囊在送達您手中時,最少還有兩個月才到達期限 (咖啡粉囊的生產日期和最佳賞味期限,均展示於筒裝包裝上)


VL Sweet Vanilla (帶有雲呢拿風味) x10粒
VL Golden Caramel (帶有焦糖風味) x10粒
VL Rich Chocolate (帶有朱古力風味) x10粒
VL Roasted Hazelnut (帶有榛子風味) x20粒

Delivery / Return
  • 此商品由 HKTVmall 派送 
  • Sold by Nespresso
  • This product is non-returnable
  • Video
  • Description

  • Customer Review(s)

  • Q&A

  • From the same store

  • Frequently bought together

  • 01. Nespresso Vertuo Pop – A pop of colour
  • 02. Nespresso Barista Masterclass – Reverso & Latte Macchiato With Your Vertuo Machine

每一款 Nespresso 頂級咖啡品味與個性都各有不同,您可隨意探索各式各樣的香濃芬芳,尋覓鍾愛品味。Nespresso 致力守護環境,令您的咖啡時刻更添意義。為確保您的咖啡時刻香濃如一,而且符合可持續發展原則,我們自 2003 年起與非政府組織雨林聯盟合作,推出 AAA Sustainable Quality™ 可持續品質計劃,堅守可持續發展理念。

Nespresso粉囊經完全密封處理,將頂級香濃完好保留,令生產後的最佳賞味期限最少可長達一年。我們保證所有粉囊在送達您手中時,最少還有兩個月才到達期限。您可以輕按銀色包裝外膜,以測試粉囊新鮮度  如果外膜輕按後沒有凹入,即代表粉囊可供享用。所有粉囊的生產日期和最佳賞味期限,均展示於筒裝包裝上。

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Nespresso粉囊經完全密封處理,將頂級香濃完好保留,令生產後的最佳賞味期限最少可長達一年。我們保證所有粉囊在送達您手中時,最少還有兩個月才到達期限。您可以輕按銀色包裝外膜,以測試粉囊新鮮度 — 如果外膜輕按後沒有凹入,即代表粉囊可供享用。所有粉囊的生產日期和最佳賞味期限,均展示於筒裝包裝上。




如何回收 NESPRESSO 粉囊?


將已使用的 Nespresso 粉囊貯存於回收袋,送往任何 Nespresso 專門店回收。



About Nespresso

Discover Nespresso, where quality coffee is delivered at the touch of a button. Nespresso only selects the best beans from the world’s finest crops, known as “Gourmet Coffees”, as they offer the most sophisticated aromas.



Our Coffees

Whether you prefer your coffee hot, iced, with milk or milk forth, each of our 30 Nespresso coffee provides a unique experience.Our 100% recyclable capsules are designed to protect the coffee from air and moisture so that you may enjoy the incomparable flavour and freshness for the ultimate coffee moment. Discover our coffee from just HK$4.7!



Our Coffee Machines

Easy and convenient to use, all you need is a touch of a button to get your perfect cup of coffee.
Enjoy free machine repair & pick-up service within 2 year warranty period. Register your Nespresso machine & be the first to be informed of additional benefit at



Our Services

Get access to personalized Nespresso services and easily purchase coffee from our Boutiques, Nespresso website or mobile app. You may also recycle your used Nespresso capsules at your nearest Nespresso Boutique or simply pass it to our courier during your next order delivery!




How To Recycle Nespresso Capsules?


Fill your recycling bag with used Nespresso capsules and drop them off at any of our Nespresso Boutiques.


T & C

•這商品買賣交易由 HKTVmall 提供。

•因實際情況所限,HKTVmall 與門市銷售價格、促銷活動、條件與限制有機會各為不同,一切條款只適用於 HKTVmall。

•本店將依照個人資料 (私隱) 條例相關規定保護您的個人資料, 並遵守 HKTVmall 的私隱保護政策。


•如有任何爭議,HKTVmall 保留最終決定權。 

• 圖片所註年份只供參考, 實際年份因應來而有所變動,請聯絡客戶服務部查詢。


• Nespresso粉囊經完全密封處理,將頂級香濃完好保留,令生產後的最佳賞味期限最少可長達一年。我們保證所有粉囊在送達您手中時,最少還有兩個月才到達期限。您可以輕按銀色包裝外膜,以測試粉囊新鮮度 — 如果外膜輕按後沒有凹入,即代表粉囊可供享用。所有粉囊的生產日期和最佳賞味期限,均展示於筒裝包裝上。


Delivery / Return

本店貨品由HKTVmall派送, 詳情可參閱送貨服務。