IG HOME Audio-visual Living Hall

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<7 days replacement product guarantee and rules>
If it is found that the quality of the product does not meet the production standards, the following procedures must be completed within 7 days after receipt (calculated from the date of purchase), and the replacement product has the opportunity to be out of stock and the waiting time is required:
1) Please do not fill in and submit the warranty
2) Bring your own products (show valid invoices, receipts) to the official maintenance department for inspection and pick up the stamped inspection paper, which proves that no one is damaged
3) Bring your own product to our company to replace the product**
**Instructions for product replacement:
-Must present a valid invoice, receipt
-Complete packaging and unfilled warranty
-No damage or scratches
-Bring your own products to our company for maintenance 7 days after receipt
-If applicable, customers must return the gifts that were included in the purchase together, otherwise we will need to deduct the value of the gifts.
After the 7-day replacement product warranty expires and the product is within the factory warranty period, the customer can also enjoy the warranty provided by the agent, and can also return the product to the manufacturer/agent for repair.

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